Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I am here!

I am here, not very far... I have not been away or hiding. Here I am!

A few weeks back I understood the meaning of a word I thought I knew,had and owned.

That word was ACCEPTANCE.

Wouah! Bang!

English not being my first language from time to time I understand the meaning of a word or an expression and it makes me feel good and I can't wait for the next thing I will learn. That's one of the reason I love reading because I can't see words together in their context and understand them.

Anyway, I had a few 'situations' in the past few weeks; the sort of 'situations' that would usually bring me down or make me feel stressed or angry.

One or more of the feelings previously mentioned came up and I chose to accept them.
Accept, not make it mean anything about me or about others.

Accepting is a way of being, not just a word to understand. It is something we all have in us. It is what can bring peace to you and to others.

Think of it, think of what meaning you give to the word 'accepting' in your life.

Next time you lock yourself out of the house just 'accept it' and feel the space and clarity of what you can do next instead of making yourself miserable.

Next time you think someone is wrong in his/her views, accept them and see how natural it is to be with someone who has different views.

Just accept and don't put any meaning on situations and peoples appearence, dress sense, colour, gender, religion, sexuality (the list goes on), the meanings are not real!

It's not to say that you cannot have an opinion, just think that your opinion is one of many and you don't have to make anyone believe that it is the only and true one.

You can relax, the exercise is to accept. Try it.

In the book "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle there is a reference of 3 things that you can fit in your life (experiences,situations):


There is always a space if not for the the 3 of them surely for one of them to fit in your life.
Be enthusiastic, enjoy what you do and have a good look at acceptance.

Love from the man who just walked The Miracle Mile X


schatzi said...

Hi Miracle, it's been a while but worth the wait; great post!! good to have you back. you're always in my heart. XX

EyeOfTheLeopard said...

Great stuff! Good to know you are still here.

pommygran8 said...

Good thoughts! and good blog too...well done!

TomDiggleHarry said...

Whoah! Lovely to have you back, I have accepted you were for a while and it is nice to be reminded we all need to accept for whatever it is around us. It is lovely to see you in this mode and thanks for sharing, love you x

868 Messiah said...

What beautiful words and oh so very true!! My whole life and my whole everything is different when i have acceptance in my life. The trick 4 me is to remember this on a daily basis and put the action in. Thank u so much 4 the reminder!! My heart feels open and free when i accept and i feel free when i accept myself!!

Lise said...

Wow! That was beautifully written!! So clear and concise and true!! I have had my moments but like you said....accept it makes it all easier to deal with!! Mind you as you get older it does get abit easier!! Welcome back and love you! x